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Dairy Cattle Fever, Farmers Should Do a Good Job in These Care

Oct. 23, 2020

A high fever in a cow is a reaction to a serious illness. Especially when the fever is too long, the functions and metabolism of the various systems in the cattle body will be hindered and damaged, the nutrient consumption will increase, the digestive function will be weakened, and the carcass will be thin, which will cause complications. Therefore, for sick cows with high fever, in addition to timely consultation with the veterinarian, farmers should also strengthen care for sick cows and provide good living and eating conditions to help sick cows recover as soon as possible. Our company provides veterinary medicine.

More cold compresses

When the body temperature of sick animals is too high, in addition to medication, ice water or cold water can be used to apply cold compresses to the head. The cold water should be changed every 5 minutes to keep it cool, to protect the normal function of the brain cells and hypothalamic body temperature regulation center, and to prevent the loss of the ability to regulate body temperature. But there are sick cows with stomach cold or chills.

Veterinary Medicine

Rest more

The livestock house should maintain a clean, hygienic and quiet environment, allow sick cows to rest more, reduce the muscle activity of sick animals, and reduce the physical consumption and heat production of sick animals. Do not disturb sick animals while they are sleeping. Better deep sleep can significantly enhance the immunity of the animals and improve their resistance.

Drink more water

After the sick cow has a fever, the carcass consumes a lot of nutrients, the mouth is dry, and the appetite is reduced, leading to anorexia. Therefore, the water supply should be met, otherwise the condition will be exacerbated. It is better to drink more water and add appropriate amount of sugar and salt to supplement body fluids and promote the excretion of intestinal toxins.

More care

For cattle with high fever, it is necessary to strengthen care and have special personnel to look after them, especially for severely ill cattle. The body temperature is measured twice a day in the morning and afternoon to grasp the heat type and temperature changes of the sick animals and record the medical records. Sick animals after fever are often accompanied by a lot of sweating, so you should wipe them dry with a clean towel in time. Pay attention to observation to prevent collapse and sudden drop in body temperature. Particularly in the windy weather or the night when the temperature is falling in summer and autumn, it is necessary to keep warm, and do not aggravate the illness due to a cold and a fever again, so as to avoid one illness and another illness.

The above information is provided by veterinary drug manufacturer.

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