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How to Treat Cow Mastitis?

Nov. 07, 2020

Dairy cow mastitis refers to the inflammation of the milk cow’s mammary glands caused by microbial infection or physical and chemical stimulation. It is characterized by physical and chemical changes in milk and bacteriological changes, and pathological changes in breast tissue.

Young cows that have been weaned, pregnant cows, and lactating cows can all be affected; sick cows will have certain abnormalities in their mammary glands and udders.

In the early stage of the disease: the breasts will swell to a certain extent, the skin will become red and hot, and there will even be pain. In severe cases, it will spread to the entire breast. When a cow is standing, its hind limbs will open and movement will be slow. When lying down, some cows have the phenomenon that their forelimbs are afraid to land, and they are lethargic, anorexia and weight loss.

Later stage of the illness: If there is no effective treatment, the abscess will rupture and transform into suppurative mastitis, which will affect the breastfeeding ability.

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Prevent bovine mastitis

The cause of mastitis in dairy cows is extremely complex and can be caused by one or several pathogenic factors. Therefore, prevention should start from the cause.

(1) Infection of pathogenic microorganisms is the main cause of mastitis. There are more than 130 pathogenic microorganisms, mainly Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Escherichia coli;

Preventive measures: do a good job in sanitation and disinfection of the housing, milking staff and utensils to avoid microbial infection.

(2) Genetic factors Dairy cow mastitis has a certain heredity. Cows with a higher incidence rate often have a higher incidence rate in their offspring.

Preventive measures: When selecting cows, track the incidence of the maternal line and keep a record of the udder shape of the calf.

(3) Environmental and management factors The incidence of mastitis varies with temperature and humidity. High temperature, high humidity seasons, poor ventilation in the cowshed, etc. can easily cause mastitis.

Preventive measures: do a good job of management in the season prone to disease, timely weaning of dry milk cows, and do a good job of ventilation and disinfection of equipment in the cowshed and milking place.

(4) Other factors: Immune function is low; tuberculosis, brucellosis and other diseases affect; hormone therapy for reproductive diseases, etc.

 Preventive measures: improve immunity, reduce the occurrence of other diseases; reasonable feeding, increase nutrition.

The above information is provided by veterinary drug manufacturer.

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